Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Let the divine flame burn within you!
- Message No. 472 -

My child. My dear child. Always be good to each other and carry love in your hearts. In this way you will be pure and worthy to meet the Lord. He who is contrite, living in discord and with an impure heart, will have a hard time facing the Lord, for he has become involved with the devil, has not resisted him, and his light has become dim and will not be able to stand the love and purest light of My Son.
Therefore, be good to each other and do not quarrel! Do not give the devil a chance over you, for he laughs derisively every time you are absent. Do not let yourselves be provoked and do not give in to temptations, however great or small they may be, for you sin and cause suffering to the other, to yourselves, and to My Son who loves you so much.
So be good to each other and let the divine flame burn within you! Then love and joy will be within you and no anger and rage will take place in your heart.
Be good, My children, and endure these last days! Soon Jesus will come and free you from this devilish world.
Have courage! Be strong! And follow My Son! The more deeply you commit yourselves to My Son, the less influence the devil will have on you! The more you devote yourselves to Jesus, the more resistant you will become against the devilish temptations! The more you become one with Jesus, the more the devil will have to give way, because Jesus will live through you if you give yourself completely to Him.
So be it. Please make this known, My daughter.
Your Mother in Heaven who loves you. Amen.
"Come to Me, and I promise that the attacks of the devil will have less and less power over you.
Your Jesus, who loves you so much. Amen."
Source: ➥